Saturday, December 24, 2011

My 2006 Acura MDX requires me to use Plus gasoline. Will I harm the engine, if I use regular gasoline?

Probably not. All modern cars will work just fine on regular. Higher octance gasoline is needed to prevent 'knock' in high compression engines. But.... all cars made since the mid 1990's have computer controlled ignitions, which advance the spark until the engine starts to knock and then back off a little. So.... if it is working properly, your engine can't knock, even with low octane juice. The only effect you might have is a very small lost of power at low RPMS and may a very, very slight reduction in mileage, as the ignition may be retarded by the computer to accomodate the low octane fuel, but no damage will result.|||Kinda eventually.|||Maybe, maybe not, what you will do though, is void your waranty. If you do cause any damage, the mfr will not repair under waranty for not following the requirements laid out in the manual.|||You could actually. It won't happen right away though.

When you use too low of an octane rating you get what is called "knocking" and "pinging". What happens is that the fuel/air mixture will combust on it's own before the spark plug goes off, just from all the high temperature and pressures. This casues the piston to fight the explosion while it's still coming up. Not only can you do damge to the connecting rods, but you will lose power and fuel milage.

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